Easily amplify your story
with lifelike AI voices!
It has never been easier to let your stories go beyond text with Hiwriter’s Story-to-audiobook tool.
Create With AI
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Experience Specialized AI text to audio
Just one-click to convert your story into a vivid audiobook.
One step solution
one-step solution
Whether you are a professional or an amateur, Hiwriter’s Auto Generation will allow you to quickly create a whole complete story with just a simple one-sentence prompt needed.
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Distribute globally
Upload your story and let Hiwriter be your best editorial assistant. You can ask him to help you check the grammar, embellish the words and even expand or continue a certain plot.
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Multiple Voices
Teach Hiwriter how you write! Ideas weigh more than verbal ability. With Hiwriter, You’ll be free from organizing words. You can focus on your imagination to bring more creative stories.
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Multiple languages
Don’t worry about plagiarism. All your contents generated on Hiwriter.ai will be embedded with a watermark to which shows the source of the text.
Convert your stories into captivating audiobooks by single click
How to generate an Audiobook using hiwriter aI
Upload or generate your story first
Vocie your characters
Generate and edit
step 1
Upload or generate your story
You can directly choose those stories you generated on Hiwriter or upload your own story to convert.
step 2
Voice your characters
We’ll automatically match the voices to the characters and you can change their voices as you like. We also provide various natural and vivid AI voices.
More voices for you to choose
step 3
Generate Audio and edit whatever you don’t like
Use your imagination to craft a basic story idea with just one line of text. We’ll then help you enrich your idea to make the story more attractive.

And with some other simple settings, that ‘s all for a whole complete story!
What type of story do you want?
You can choose as much as more elements that you want your story could have.
Historical Romance
Paranormal Romance
Magical Realism
What inspired you about the story?
What's the story
Your imagination, our technology.
Create your next bestseller, with the power of hiwriter Ai
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